Ideally, video and audio clips should increase the Spirit of the Lord when used. I've found that having clips previously downloaded and queued helps solve this challenge.
In order to create a playlist file in this manner you'll need VLC and a text editor. You'll also need to have the media file(s) downloaded and saved in the same directory/folder as the playlist M3U file.
I've downloaded a video file from the April 2019 General Conference address given by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Bednar, saving it as filename
I've created a text file called
in the same folder:
There are 4 "clips" or portions of the video I would like to share during the lesson. By converting the playback timestamp from minutes:seconds to seconds I've come up with the following stop and start timestamps:
The above is the content of the

Double-clicking the file
2019-06-23_Temple_and_Family_History_Lessson.m3uwill launch VLC using the playlist of clips using the timestamps specified.
The VLC interface can be further customized via Tools >> Preferences to play full screen by default to minimize distraction.

VLC can also launch paused by default.