A while ago I posted on querying free disk space using WMI and batch.
I wouldn't query free disk space using batch anymore. The
PowerShell script I tweaked and currently use to query free disk space is displayed below. The script truncates for readability – the rounding methods are commented out if that’s your preference:
# spaceused.ps1
# Lars-UT http://larsrasmussen.blogspot.com
(Get-Date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss').ToString() | Out-Default
$outData = @("")
$server = $args[0]
$dataFromServer = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -ComputerName $server | Select-Object SystemName,Label,Name,DriveLetter,DriveType,Capacity,Freespace
foreach ($currline in $dataFromServer) {
if ((-not $currline.name.StartsWith("\\")) -and ($currline.Drivetype -ne 5)) {
[float]$tempfloatcapacity = [math]::truncate($currline.Capacity/ 1000000000)
#[float]$tempfloatcapacity = [math]::round(($currline.Capacity/ 1000000000),1)
add-member -InputObject $currline -MemberType NoteProperty -name Capacity_in_GB -value "$tempfloatcapacity GB"
[float]$tempfloat = ($currline.Freespace / 1000000) / ($currline.Capacity / 1000000)
$temppercent = [math]::round(($tempfloat * 100),2)
add-member -InputObject $currline -MemberType NoteProperty -name FreePercent -value "$temppercent %"
[float]$tempfloatfreespace = [math]::truncate($currline.Freespace/ 1000000000)
#[float]$tempfloatfreespace = [math]::round(($currline.Freespace/ 1000000000),1)
add-member -InputObject $currline -MemberType NoteProperty -name Freespace_in_GB -value "$tempfloatfreespace GB"
$outData = $outData + $currline
$outData | Select-Object SystemName,Label,Name,Capacity_in_GB,Freespace_in_GB,FreePercent | sort-object -property Name | format-table -autosize
To run this against muliple servers just put the server names, one per line, in a text file and save that file. You'll then assign that file to a variable in PowerShell and loop through each line for each server:
PS C:\> $serverlist = Get-Content .\ServerNames-Prod.txt
PS C:\> foreach ($server in $serverlist) { .\spaceused.ps1 $server }
Here’s the pretty output! Yep, those are sub-second times for querying multiple servers.

Need to document this? Use Start-Transcript. I’ve seen auditors use it like so:
PS C:\> $strTimestamp = [string](Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm")
PS C:\> start-transcript .\ServerSpace-$strTimestamp.txt
PS C:\> foreach ($server in $serverlist) { .\spaceused.ps1 $server }
PS C:\> Stop-Transcript